Who Will You Serve?

WooHoo, It’s #FaithFriday! Remember our foundational scripture for this month:“Your WORD is a lamp to my feet And a LIGHT to my path.” Psalms 119:105
When we walk in the light, we know that we are not alone. We’ve all heard this popular phrase “Family is Everything” and it is! God says in John 1:12-13 that once you give your life to His Son, Jesus, you are in the family of God. We have been given the holy privilege to be a son or daughter of the Most High God. Therefore, our undivided loyalty must always be to King Jesus, not seeking man’s approval.
Joshua 24:15 says, “CHOOSE for yourself this day who you will serve…As for me and my house, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!”
In a culture of compromise and the constant pressure to be “politically correct,” we have to settle this issue once and for all: I CHOOSE JESUS! Be bold in your witness for The Lord! We are not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the POWER of God to salvation for everyone who believes!
Don’t miss this video… We had a surprise happen right in the middle of filming 😳 we think you’ll enjoy!
For when we STAY in FAITH,