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Partner Letters

The Pathway to Promotion ⬆️

May 2, 2024

Dear Team Mylon,

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10 NLT

Happy Spring! Spring has always been Mylon’s and my favorite time of year because of what it represents—New Beginnings. This may surprise you, but I enjoy spring cleaning. (I remember Mylon laughing out loud when I told him that cleaning out my closet or our kitchen pantry was relaxing to me.) So, when The Lord recently instructed me to prepare for this new season by getting my house in order, I knew the timing was perfect.

After a spouse departs, along with countless emotional hurdles, there are natural things that must be done before you can move forward. Especially when you shared every moment of every day together, whether work or play. For instance, Mylon’s study is now my workspace. His office chair was perfect for him but because he was twice my size, I’m piling pillows in the back of it to work for me! Needless to to say, reorganizing my workspace and home will require time.

Another area The Lord dealt with me to address is my personal health. After being a caretaker for several years, my doctor explained we just don’t realize the wear and tear on the body. Along with becoming physically stronger, I must allow The Lord to renew my strength. When we invest time in His presence, Ephesians 3:16 says, He strengthens us with mighty power in the inner man by His Holy Spirit. The end result? In the days ahead, we will “run and not be weary, walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

These natural tasks we might refer to as “little things” but God said it’s the “little foxes that spoil the vine.” (Song of Solomon 2:15) When the Holy Spirit leads you to deal with it, it’s not a little thing anymore! If we’re faithful to address what the Spirit of God is revealing, we prove that He can trust us with more. This is God’s path to promotion: Being faithful to attend to the little things.

In Luke 19:17, Jesus tells a well-known parable confirming this same principle saying, “Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.” For example, if we don’t keep our home or car well maintained, why would God trust us with our dream home or car? If we aren’t faithful to our current employer, not playing on our phone during work hours, etc. why would He trust us with our dream job?

As a partner with this ministry, the grace I’m experiencing to prepare for the NEW, is available to you! If you’ll seek the Lord for His wisdom, He’ll share with you any areas of your life (spiritual, emotional, physical) that need spring cleaning. If we truly believe we’re going up, (As I taught in last month’s letter. Don’t forget to download the FREE petition, “We’re Going Up” at then please understand:


If you believe God has something greater in store, you prepare for promotion. That’s what we’re doing here at the ministry, we’re preparing for promotion! I’m excited to report we’ve rescheduled filming with our father in faith, Kenneth Copeland, for On the Road to Freedom in July. The Lord has also graciously opened doors and we’ve booked church services, women’s events and filming locations through the end of the year. Please check our itinerary for when I’m coming to your area, I’d love to see you!

As you sow your precious seed this month, please say with me, “I listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit and choose to be faithful in the little things. I know faith prepares for what it expects. And I desire to prove to the Lord, He can trust me with more!” Be encouraged that because you are faithful to give, it shall be (not maybe) given unto you, pressed down, shaken together and running over! With our anointed prayer team, I’m…

Praying for you daily and love you dearly,

P.S. There is another assignment dear to my heart where I would appreciate your agreement. Mylon instructed me the week he stepped into heaven, “Christi, write our story.” I’ve been writing these past seven months every word of comfort and counsel God has so sweetly ministered to me. Jesus is The Healer of the brokenhearted and I desire to share His healing power to broken hearts all over the world.

P.S.S. Please don’t forget all the FREE faith resources available at and share with your family and friends. Every week, we air NEW programs filmed in the most beautiful locations. In just 30 minutes, you can know The Truth that will make you free!

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