Let me encourage you today that GOD IS and will FOREVER be…FAITHFUL! Especially in times like this, we are so thankful for your faithfulness! The power of your agreement is making a way where there seems to be no way. We have ministered to more people from home in the last month than ever before. In a time when others were forced to slow down, we actually have not stopped! Now is the time for the church (that’s us) to RISE UP! For we have “come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)
We are in the midst of a faith fight right now; each of us standing fast for the power of God to be manifested. For a cure/vaccine to be discovered, for divine health, supernatural protection and financial increase. Or maybe you need the power of God just to get along with your family after being together 24/7 for 6 weeks! We want to remind you that when the world is experiencing destruction all around, the Blessing of The Lord causes God’s children to rise ABOVE every obstacle! But our part is to keep expecting the goodness of God!
This week, The Lord prompted us to keep our expectation high. He reminded us of what David declared in Psalms 27:13. In the midst of a horrible tragedy he said, “I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” The land of the living is for here and now. David admitted he would have given up had he not changed his expectation. Expectation has to do with what we are looking at in regards to the future.
If we EXPECT things to get worse = that’s FEAR. If we EXPECT it to get BETTER because of God’s promises = that’s FAITH!
Then verse 14 follows with, “Wait for and confidently expect the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for and confidently expect the LORD.” It’s time to be strong and courageous by EXPECTING to see the GOODNESS of God today and every day!
What is it that we can confidently expect of The Lord? We have the answer in Isaiah 30:18. The first part of the verse explains that The Lord is expecting to be gracious and merciful to you. So, “Blessed are all those who wait for Him, who EXPECT… [His VICTORY, His FAVOR, His LOVE, His PEACE, His JOY, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!” We may have to practice social distancing right now but our beautiful companionship with the Lord will never be broken, Hallelujah!
What we expect also determines what we sow. It takes more faith to sow in a time of famine so be encouraged today that as you sow, you qualify for the hundred fold! In Genesis 26:1 & 12 we read that, “There was a famine in the land…” and “…Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him.” God is no respecter of persons so what he did for Isaac, he will do for you when you believe!
As you sow your seed this month, REJOICE and declare with us, “I expect to see the goodness of God today! I expect His victory, uncommon favor, unconditional love, perfect peace and unspeakable joy! I rest in His faithfulness for He will never leave me nor forsake me. I believe that I receive the hundred fold on my seed sown, even now in a time of famine. Lord, use my life to be a witness of Your mercy and grace!”
For when we STAY in FAITH,