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Partner Letters


July 5, 2024

Dear Team Mylon,

Tomorrow our country honors our National Day of Independence. A day that should be filled with family celebrations, cookouts and fireworks. But recently, there’s been an onslaught from the evil one to “steal, kill and destroy.” (John 10:10) As I was praying for protection for the church and a great awakening in our nation, the Lord reminded me of this passage in Psalm 34. King David is praising God for deliverance from a dangerous situation.

“I WILL bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My life makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble and afflicted hear and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:1-4

In verse one we see that David makes a choice of his will to bless the Lord continually with the words of his mouth. This is OUR PART. God will not do this for us. For those of you in a tough situation who don’t think it’s possible to bless the Lord at all times, I get it. After Mylon graduated to heaven, I obeyed this instruction by faith. I definitely did not FEEL like rejoicing. The one who my soul loved had departed. And although I knew where Mylon was and I would see him again, I missed my best friend. But when I chose to praise the Lord by faith, His unfailing love flooded my soul and began the process of healing my broken heart. I can now testify He has turned my sorrow into JOY!

In verse two when David says, “My life makes its boast in the Lord,” he’s explaining, “Everything good in my life, it’s all God!” For me to be able to truly live again, it’s ALL the goodness of God. I’m grateful to the Lord for all the testimonies I’ve received thanking me for allowing others to observe HOW to move forward in heartbreaking situations. Praise the Lord!

Then after giving all the glory to God, David says, “let the humble and afflicted HEAR AND BE GLAD.” Affliction is defined as: “Affected with continued or often repeated pain, either of body or mind; suffering grief or distress, of any kind.” (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary) Those who are in pain or distress of any kind need to hear this message of hope. But how can they hear without a preacher? That’s why I’m writing this to you—To declare, YOU CAN BE GLAD!!

The word BE is defined: “The sense is to stand, remain or be fixed.” (Webster’s 1828) Ephesians 6:13 AMPC admonishes us, “Stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].” We’re living in dangerous or “perilous times.” (II Timothy 3:1) One of the ways we stand firmly in our place is choosing to BE GLAD. David lets us know in verse three what we should be doing in the day of danger, “O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.” We make a choice every day to magnify the Lord or the problem. The last year before Mylon stepped into heaven, these were the words Mylon and I quoted together at the beginning of each day: “This is the day the Lord has made; we WILL REJOICE and BE GLAD in it.” Psalms 118:24

We could not look at all the symptoms in the natural. When everything seemed to be getting worse, we had to absolutely refuse fear. Verse four says, “I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Invest time each day in His presence. I’m thankful for the many wise counselors God surrounded me with when Mylon departed. But the way healing comes to your heart and soul is TIME WITH JESUS. God, Who is Love, is the only One Who can heal the inside, the heart of man. I John 4:18 says, “Perfect love casts out fear.” Fear tried to tell me, “You’ll never be happy again, laugh again, or dream again.” The devil is a liar! Jesus has given me happiness, laughter and new dreams. He has made me glad!

As you sow your precious seed this month, say with me, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!” As you magnify the Lord, you’ll experience true freedom and liberty because He who The Son sets free is free indeed!

Happy July 4th!
Praying for you daily and love you dearly,

P.S. Your giving is making a difference! Doors are opening and we’re reaching more with the love of God than ever before. We appreciate your prayers as we travel this weekend to film On the Road to Freedom in Colorado with Kenneth Copeland. The following week we’ll be filming and ministering with the anointed Bullock family at Church International in Warrior, AL. If you’re in the area, please join us. I’d love the opportunity to thank you in person.

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