What does HONOR look like? 

Praise the Lord, this month we celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary! WOW, how time flies when you’re having FUN doing the will of God. We recognize that we could not accomplish our call without your help. Your powerful agreement in prayer and giving enables us to tell the world how good God is and how much He loves them—THANK YOU.
As we celebrate this milestone event, we acknowledge our extraordinary gift from heaven we lovingly call, Holy Matrimony. (Please CONNECT on the LINK BELOW for never-before-seen footage of our wedding reception.) We didn’t know it was possible to love like this. We are each other’s best friend, main confidant and cheerleaders of divine destiny. Because we share JESUS, our honor for each other has grown exponentially through the years. So when we were asked this question recently by a young couple getting ready to be married, we knew understanding this subject is vital to the days we are living in:
In our current cultural environment, the holy concepts of covenant, integrity and character have been minimized. As a result, most have never seen honor modeled and therefore, don’t even know what it means. That’s why we, as believers in God’s Honor Code (His Word) have to show them. A significant part of our ministry is teaching husbands and wives God’s instructions on honoring one another. I Peter 3:7 teaches husbands to give honor to the wife “as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” This means, a lack of honor effects a husband’s prayers getting answered! Ephesians 5:33 AMPC explains the wife’s high call, “Let the wife see to it that she respects and reverences her husband [that she notices him, regards him, HONORS HIM, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].” Who wouldn’t want a wife like that? When spouses obey God’s commandments, the supernatural result is heaven on earth in your home!
Through the years, of all the feedback we received in response to our meetings and our show, On the Road to Freedom, this comment is the one we hear the most: “When we watch you two, we see honor. We want that in our marriage.” Or “We treat each other differently now because of the honor we observed between the two of you.” Glory to God, it thrills us every time we hear it! (If you’d like to know more about how we learned to practice honor in our marriage, CONNECT on the LINK BELOW for our new book: The Honeymoon is Over, Now What?)
In addition to the marital union, the honor of God applies to all of our relationships:
Church Family – Romans 12:10
Children/Parents – Ephesians 6:2
Government Leaders, Military/Police – I Peter 2:17, Romans 13:1-2
Employees/Employers – I Timothy 6:1-2
Pastors/Spiritual Authority – I Timothy 5:17
It’s important to understand that the only way we’ll consistently honor others is if we honor God’s Word. Honorable choices in our words and actions are a result of OBEDIENCE. God promised a great reward for our faithfulness in First Samuel 2:30,
When we sow honor in others because we honor God and His Word, we will reap the honor of God. So rejoice in the Lord over your giving this month. Your sowing is evidence of your honor for The Lord. Proverbs 3:9 AMPC commands us, “HONOR the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of ALL your income.” What does reaping the honor of God look like?Get ready—uncommon favor, abundant increase, glorious blessing and miraculous healing are coming your way!
We love and HONOR you!!
P.S. Hallelujah, WE HONOR YOU as a good and perfect gift from God! Because of your faithfulness to help us share the Gospel, every life and marriage changed by observing the honor of God in our ministry, you have the SAME ETERNAL REWARD. We call you blessed today for YOU ARE A BLESSING!