A Gracious Woman Gains Respect
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre teach in Sundance, UT that in the midst of a defiant culture, God’s Word says it’s a GRACIOUS woman that gains respect.
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre teach in Sundance, UT that in the midst of a defiant culture, God’s Word says it’s a GRACIOUS woman that gains respect.
Part II- Christi Le Fevre at EMIC in TX explains that we are all growing in grace!
Christi Le Fevre at her home church in TX shares that God has made us a promise that guarantees respect!
Join Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Hot Springs, AR as they explain it is always God’s will to bless His children!
Join Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Possum Kingdom Lake, TX as they discuss the difference between hoping and believing God.
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Texas explain the importance of choosing to bless the Lord at all times.