Who’s on the Throne
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Evergreen, CO teach how to honor King Jesus as LORD.
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Evergreen, CO teach how to honor King Jesus as LORD.
We Redeem the Time Confession Download Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Sarasota, FL share how to live with purpose, making the most of our time for Jesus.
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Hot Springs, AR teach how to receive answered prayers!
Join Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Evergreen, CO as they share how we can live 24/7 by FAITH.
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Mendocino, CA share that we serve an eternal God. TODAY is the first day of FOREVER!
Join Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Texas as they teach how blaming others keeps us from getting God’s best.
How to enjoy a life of PEACE by making the choice to REFUSE to be offended.
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Palm Springs, CA encourage us to forget the past so that we can fulfill our call.
Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Banff, Alberta Canada share how our choices affect whether we have the PERFECT or the PERMISSIVE will of God.
Join Mylon & Christi Le Fevre in Maui, HI as they share that godliness with contentment is great gain!