REAL FAITH IS NOT RELIGIOUS. Religion has a formula for godliness and goes through the motions but never surrenders to the Lordship of Jesus. II Timothy 3:1-5 explains,“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a FORM OF GODLINESS but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”
We need to be honest and ask ourselves, “Who do we trust?” Do we trust in God with all of our heart or do we lean on our own understanding? If we think “we got this” that’s pride. Humility means we recognize we’re completely dependent on Him. This passage warns us of the prideful behaviors prevalent in the last days. Please notice, these are church-going people! They have rules for righteousness and may even talk in King James but when they need God to show up and prove He is their God, He has no place. Why? Because His Word is not FINAL AUTHORITY at their house.
Whoever makes the final decision is Lord.
Another key to REAL FAITH and the most important decision we’ll EVER make—Is the Word of God the last word in our life? In other words, do we believe in God or do we believe God? We can raise our hands in church every week but if we don’t believe His Word, HE SAID, without faith it’s IMPOSSIBLE to please Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Please get this: God doesn’t make suggestions; He makes commandments. We don’t get a vote. We either obey or disobey. We CHOOSE life or death, the blessing or the curse. (Deuteronomy 30:19) It’s dangerous to take God’s will and Jesus’ Lordship from the throne of our life and replace it with our own. The countless choices we make everyday determine whether Jesus is Lord or we are!
Our lane is to teach faith by preaching the gospel. We’re personally not called to politics but we honor those who are. (Thank God for Gene Bailey and Flashpoint!) But if we preach the full gospel we have to tell you abortion is murder! In Exodus 20:13 KJV, the sixth commandment is “thou shall not kill.” This is not a suggestion! Pro-Choice advocates are not only fighting for the right to kill children but to kill their ownsons and daughters. When we vote for a person, we’re really voting for the platform they represent.
This is not political. It’s biblical.
Whether it be heterosexual or homosexual, sexual sin is anytime you lust for something that takes God’s Word from the final word in your life. God created man and woman and told them to populate the earth. (Genesis 9:7) Only a male and a female can obey that command. It’s the spirit of antichrist that says you can live your own truth. Even if you get 50 million people to vote against God’s Word, that will NEVER make the sin of disobedience okay. If you vote for a platform that diametrically opposes God’s Word then you’re voting against God! If we vote with God (AGREE with His Word) we’ll get the blessing. But a vote against God brings the curse by default. Please understand we’re not saying this to hurt anyone but to alert you to the urgency of the times.
This month be encouraged that you’re sowing your precious seed into a tithing ministry where God’s Word is THE FINAL WORD. We’re daily telling the world how good God is, how much He loves them and He desires to bless them IF they CHOOSE HIS LIFE. We wish we could share with you the myriad of testimonies of those who’ve received The Truth and were set on their road to freedom. (John 8:31-32) We speak ABUNDANT BLESSING over your seed sown. Because you’ve been obedient to God’s commandment to GIVE, Luke 6:38 says, “it SHALL BE given to you pressed down, shaken together and running over!”
We Love You and pray for you everyday,
P.S. To daily encourage your faith, check out all of our free resources at your giving provided! More than words can express we’re grateful for your faith filled prayers that are availing MUCH. We are seeing the manifestation of our miracle as we commit to live by real faith.Â