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Partner Letters

Ready For Anything 🧗

September 6, 2024

Dear Team Mylon,

One year ago, I was walking through the deepest heartbreak I’ve ever experienced. After enjoying Holy Matrimony for 25 years, my beloved Mylon, graduated to heaven on September 8, 2023. He bravely fought the good fight, finished his race and until his last breath, he kept the faith. Looking back, I honestly didn’t know how to get where I am today. My heart was so broken. But praise the Lord, I have experienced for myself God’s amazing grace that truly is sufficient.

As I move forward by faith, (my mantra, ‘do something today you couldn’t do yesterday’) the Holy Spirit continues to give me light for each step through His Word. Now a mere twelve months later, what seemed like countless baby steps have now culminated in glorious freedom! Like one who has triumphantly reached a mountain’s summit, I joyfully declare to you, JESUS HAS HEALED MY HEART!! Glory to God, He’s ready to do the same for you. Please see the pictures below of the beautiful steps of faith God has helped us to take in the past year.

One especially precious memory of our final days together happened three weeks before Mylon departed. He had a brief stay in the hospital. I was in the room with him day and night as I had many times before during recovery from surgeries and procedures through the years. I was sleeping on the fold out couch and Mylon who I thought was also sound asleep suddenly called me to his bed side. He said, “Christi, I’ve been trying for 25 years to get you to a place of fully persuaded faith and…you’re there.” He paused then said, “God told me to tell you, you’re ready.” In tears, I responded, “Honey, please don’t say that.” He firmly reiterated, “Christi, you HAVE to hear me. GOD SAID, YOU’RE READY.” My mind didn’t want to acknowledge the possibility that the one who my soul loves could be leaving me. But my spirit bore witness to the word of The Lord. I reluctantly nodded my head, “Ok honey, I hear you and I receive it.”

I cannot tell you how many times in the past year, when my heart was overwhelmed, I reminded myself of that powerful word from God delivered by my husband. I didn’t feel ready for anything I was facing. According to Isaiah 43:26, I “put God in remembrance” of His word, “Ok God, YOU said I’m ready. So, I say, “I’m ready.” Philippians 4:13 AMPC confirms:

“I have strength for ALL things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].”

In Christ, WE ARE READY FOR ANYTHING! God knows the end from the beginning and when we trust Him, He prepares us for the things which are to come. But we cannot overcome life-altering trauma in our natural strength. What God has led me to do in the past year, I could not have done by sheer will power alone. It was not mentally or emotionally possible. But when I chose to trust God and started declaring His word aloud, supernatural strength began rising big in me. The Word of God has inherent power in it. Words are containers. According to Proverbs 18:21, they contain spiritual life or death, the blessing or the curse. Whatever we say, we will eat the fruit of it. Speaking right words at the right moment are key to us progressing from despair to victory. Especially when we don’t feel like it. God instructs us to “speak those things that be not as though they were” just like He does. (Romans 4:17 KJV) So, let’s boldly say together,

“I HAVE STRENGTH FOR ALL THINGS IN CHRIST WHO EMPOWERS ME. I am READY FOR ANYTHING and equal to anything through Christ Who infuses inner strength into me. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.”

WooHoo! With each word, did you sense strength rising on the inside? I did! Your powerful commitment to partner with us in the Gospel is evidence of your fervent faith—THANK YOU! I’ve included a special video below concerning your finances, Talk Back to Your Bills.

As you sow your seed this month, be encouraged, you’re helping us preach this good news in churches and to viewers all over the world through On the Road to Freedom. We receive testimonies daily of those who’ve made the choice to “get back up” from whatever has knocked them down in life. As I ministered last month, if you’ve dealt with heartbreak, God’s plan is always a happy ending. (If you missed the August letter, it’s available in our Faith Center at Lay hold of your happy ending by faith knowing that in Christ, you’re ready for anything!

I’m in this with you and OUR BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD! (Proverbs 4:18)

Praying for you daily and love you dearly,

Christi Le Fevre
Mylon Le Fevre Ministries

P.S. At, you’ll see how we’ve updated the website, social media platforms and ministry graphics to the “new thing” God is doing. Your faithful agreement in prayers and finances enables us to carry on Mylon’s legacy through the teaching of God’s Word. He taught me, mentored me and trained me everyday for 25 years. When he told me that night, ‘Christi you’re ready.’ I didn’t know it at the time…but I was. And you are too!

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