Dear Team Mylon,
We’re halfway through 2023! As Mylon continues to get stronger and stronger each day, we thank you for agreeing with us that Mylon is healed. By faith, we’ve hired a trainer to help him exercise after a long season of resting and recovery. As we’re waiting upon the Lord, we’ve been covering the remainder of this year in prayer for you and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the: Who, What, When, Where and How. Proverbs 19:21 says that our mind can come up with many plans but it’s only the Lord’s purpose that will stand. We don’t want to waste any time coming up with our own plan and begging Him to bless it. When we get His plan, it’s already blessed! Glory to God, we’re receiving answers and divine direction. At this moment we’re planning our next On the Road to Freedom filming trip to the legendary Austin City Limits to film on Lake Travis, TX. We also began booking church meetings for the fall. We hope to see you there! (Check out our itinerary at
One of the ways we receive the plan of God is through Spirit-led words, or inspired utterance. King Jesus said in John 12:50 AMPC, “Whatever I speak, I am saying [exactly] what My Father has told Me to say and in accordance with His instructions.” Wow. Think about it. BEFORE Jesus spoke, He stopped and listened for the Holy Spirit’s leading. He spoke only those words; nothing more, nothing less. As a result, His words were backed with the POWER OF GOD. The sick were healed, the dead were raised and sinners cried out in repentance.
One good example is when Jesus spoke to the fig tree in Mark Chapter Eleven. He was hungry and saw the tree had leaves but no fruit. His response was a mere 9 words, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” He then walked away and didn’t say anything else about the tree. He didn’t worry or waver in faith wondering if what He said would work. Jesus spoke The Word and let The Word do the work. The next morning when He and the disciples passed back by the fig tree, it was dried up from the roots…overnight! The disciples were amazed. Jesus told them, ‘you can do the same thing!’ in the well known verse, Mark 11:23,
“For assuredly, I say to you, WHOEVER SAYS (I’m a whoever, how about you?) to this MOUNTAIN, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
Please notice: this life-changing sentence that eradicates mountains, obliterates every trace of sickness, demolishes debt and destroys depression is only 8 words. This should teach us:
More power is not present in many words. Power is activated with the right words.
You may be thinking, “I’m not sure I have that gift like Jesus.” But according to I John 2:20, “You have been anointed by [you have been given an unction from] the Holy One, and you all know [the Truth] or you know all things.” Then in First Corinthians 1:4-5 Paul said to the church, “I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were enriched in everything by Him in ALL UTTERANCE and all knowledge.” We are anointed! We have an unction from the Holy Spirit within and by His grace we KNOW how to deliver inspired utterance for any and every situation we encounter in this life. In the midst of a culture succumbing to the god of this world, we must LEARN HOW to walk in dominion in the earth and be shining examples of His glory.
We encourage you to do what the Lord instructed us to do: Start practicing decreeing God’s Word in the little things that come up each day. Being faithful in the small matters will help you grow up to the stature required for you to steward the ‘big stuff’ God has in store for you. (Check out our FREE Confession Downloads in the new Faith Center at
One of the ways we prove ourselves to be faithful stewards is in our giving to God’s kingdom. THANK YOU for your seed sown this month. Just as Cornelius prayers and giving went up as a memorial before God and brought salvation to his house, we stand with you in prayer over your giving that God has heard your prayers and seen your tears. TODAY is the day of salvation! (2 Cor. 6:2)
We Love You and we’re praying for you everyday,
P.S. We pray over you Ephesians 6:19, that “utterance may be given to you, that you may open your mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel.” Through your prayers and giving, YOU are helping us to make known the mystery of the gospel. It’s time to pray BOLD prayers, The Lord is with us!
*Please send us your testimonies of how your Spirit-led inspired utterances turned your trial into triumph!