Dear Team Mylon,
“He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.”
Psalms 107:20 NKJV
We celebrate the birth of our Savior and Healer, King Jesus! Because God sent His Word, JESUS, to the earth, we are healed and delivered—Glory to God in the highest! We want to encourage you this month with testimonies of God’s delivering power from Team Mylon members who watch On the Road to Freedom:
“I absolutely love On the Road to Freedom and your down-to-earth, real-world approach. I also appreciate all of the scriptures and always take copious notes during the broadcast. Your crew does an excellent job in filming and creating graphics. Your show is a huge faith builder and encouragement to me. I have told my friends about On the Road to Freedom.” ⁓James
“I cannot tell you how much good your broadcast has done in my life. The way Mylon & Christi teach has transformed my relationship with the Lord.” ⁓Keeli
“My relationship with the Lord has been strengthened because of Mylon and Christi’s teaching.” ⁓Teressa
“Thank you so much for your broadcast episode: Freedom From Anger. It came just when I needed it.” ⁓Theresa
“I prayed the prayer of salvation. I know I belong to Jesus.” ⁓Gail
“I found salvation through your ministry. I am forever grateful for the power of God that works in your lives.” ⁓Karen
“We watch your broadcast every Sunday. You preach the God I knew as a child. It brings such joy to me.” ⁓Ray
“Thank You for helping me to become free from ‘The Blame Game.’ I prayed with Christi on this episode—a prayer I didn’t know I needed.” ⁓Dacie
“On The Road to Freedom is just that. Strongholds of the mind are destroyed by the anointing on your program and through your ministry.” ⁓Gina
“I want to thank you for the beautiful message you and your wife brought today. I couldn’t turn away. I prayed both prayers.” ⁓Jill
“I look forward to watching your show, every week. It has been a blessing to me during my healing battle. You always give me hope through God’s Word.” ⁓Tanya
“I sometimes watch the same program two and three times. I have been on an incredible journey with my faith and your program has made it better!” ⁓John
“Your program has been life changing for me and my family.” ⁓Rayna
“Thank you for your great example of just being a loving couple.” ⁓Debbie
“I praise God for your broadcast teachings. They have been a blessing to my wife and me and they are building our faith and keeping us focused on the Word.” ⁓Allan
“At the beginning of 2022, we started tithing 10% and sowing a weekly seed. My husband got a new job and after 3 months he received a $35,000 bonus.” ⁓Jean
THANK YOU for your faithful giving and prayers—Together we are making a difference for JESUS! As you sow your seed this month, we encourage you to close out 2022 with a bang! The Lord instructed us to personally sow some big seed as an act of our faith believing He is working on our behalf. What do you need? Name your seed (Galatians 6:7) and contact us at www.mylon.org. We are ready to agree with you for an over-the-top, too much, abundant harvest! Let’s finish off the year with a shout because God sent His Word, JESUS (The Word became flesh – John 1:14) and He has rescued us from destruction! (Psalms 107:20 AMPC)
We rejoice in VICTORY this Christmas season.
Jesus is the reason our hope springs eternal.
We Love You,
Mylon & Christi
P.S. Check out all of our FREE teaching resources at mylon.org. If you’re looking for Christmas gifts that will reap rewards long after the holiday, check out our faith filled books, music and even hats!