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Partner Letters


March 7, 2025

Dear Team Mylon,

Jesus is Lord in the United States of America! I’m in awe of how God is turning our nation around one glorious victory at a time. Here at the ministry, we’re preparing for a bright future because faith prepares for what it expects. I’m looking forward to sharing with you very soon the direction God is leading us in to reach more people with His love than ever before. Thank you for your powerful agreement because togetherwe’re making a difference for Jesus!

As we’re celebrating God’s faithfulness to our nation, now more than ever, we need to keep the momentum going in the right direction, working with God to see the evil tide turned. How do we work with God?

  • We stay in FAITH.
  • We continue to PRAY.
  • We use our voice to be BOLD witnesses for Him in every arena of life.

Isaiah 59:19 says, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of The Lord will raise up a standard against him. That’s what we’re seeing right now. A mighty standard has been raised on behalf of God’s people and our nation. What is that standard? THE WORD. That’s why we must choose to live our lives in agreement with God’s Standard—His Word being FINAL authority in all of our decisions, words, actions and reactions. This commitment protects us from the evil one who would want to steal, kill and destroy.

For those of you in a fight of faith, I understand! It’s been a year and a half since my late husband, Mylon, graduated to heaven. Every. Single. Day. IS a walk of faith. I’m a witness, by my faith in God and in His Word, I’m winning. As you keep your confidence in The Most High God, you’re winning too! I have some good news for you today—Whatever difficulty you maybe facing: financial, health, or heartbreak, The Lord is ahead of you, fighting on your behalf!

“The Lord your God Who goes before you, He will fight for you.” Deuteronomy 1:30 AMPC

WooHoo, this makes me wanna shout!! Our great God declares the end from the beginning; He is already in our future. He KNOWS what’s ahead, that’s why He laughs at the plan of the wicked! Because He sees their day of defeat is coming. When you serve Jehovah Nissi, The Lord our VICTORY, He’s already gone before you and is fighting on your behalf against every attack of the enemy. WOW! That’s why NO matter what we may feel (discouraged, hopeless or depressed) we resist fearand choose to remain at rest.

The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.” Exodus 14:14 AMPC

Remember, when God Almighty fights on our behalf, HE NEVER LOSES! Please get this:


Psalms 24:8 says, “Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle.” When we stay on God’s side, WE ALWAYS WIN! Will you say this with me? “My God goes ahead of me and is fighting for me. I hold my peace and remain at rest because the King of glory is invincible in battle. In Him, I always WIN!”

As you sow your precious seed this month, rejoice knowing God is already fighting on your financial behalf. We agree with you that Jehovah Jireh (Our Provider) is bringing you into freedom from debt and overflowing abundance! He is a God of increase and “He is increasing you more and more, you and your children.” (Psalms 115:14) Glory to God, WE WIN!

Praying for you daily and love you dearly,

P.S. Thank you for your faithful giving that helps us tell the world how good God is and how much He loves them. Don’t forget all our FREE faith resources available at We’d also love to hear how God is proving to you that He is fighting on your behalf. Please send us your praise reports!

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