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Faith Center


Prince of Peace

December 18, 2020

#FAITHFRIDAY During this Christmas season, we wanted to share with you one of our special Church on the Run daily digital devotionals. We invested 5 years to film these devotionals on our Harley rides all over the country. It is how the idea for our TV show, On the Road to Freedom, came […]


Don’t Stop Believing!

December 11, 2020

#FAITHFRIDAY This week we’d like to share a clip with you from Faith Life Church in Ohio with our dear friends, Pastors Gary and Drenda Keesee. We believe this is a word from The Lord for this moment in time. The pressures around us can tempt us to back off of […]


Looking for Promotion?

November 27, 2020

#FAITHFRIDAY LOOKING FOR PROMOTION? All this month, we hope you’ve been enjoying our special guest On the Road to Freedom, our father in the faith, Kenneth Copeland. So this week we’d like to show you when he shared briefly Mylon’s testimony with the first graduating class of Kenneth Copeland Bible School. […]


We Give Thanks for YOU!

November 20, 2020

#FAITHFRIDAY WE GIVE THANKS FOR YOU! During this upcoming holiday week, we want you to know how thankful we are for YOU! We count ourselves blessed to have you a part of our lives. We HONOR you as a “good and perfect gift from God.” Because you give of your prayers and finances to help us […]



November 13, 2020

#FAITHFRIDAY How to Enter God’s Rest We are living in what The Word describes as “perilous times that are hard to bear.” (II Tim. 3:1) So because there is chaos all around, every day we only have two choices. We can either be freaked out, anxious and worried. Or we […]


VOTE 2020

October 30, 2020

#FAITHFRIDAY VOTE 2020 We are just 4 days away from the most important presidential election of our generation. Our Pastor George Pearsons of Eagle Mountain International Church, delivered the most comprehensive teaching we have ever heard on God’s Word concerning government. We want you to be informed on these key […]



October 23, 2020

#FAITHFRIDAY ONE NATION UNDER GOD We encourage you to declare that the United States of America is “One Nation Under God!” Concerning the upcoming presidential election, Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” We should be so grateful […]

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