A Personal Letter from Mylon ✍

Dear Team Mylon,
In April of this year, after receiving a good health report, I began experiencing symptoms in my speech. You may have noticed on some of our recent shows how these symptoms affected my ability to communicate. My ministry is pretty simple: tell everyone who will listen how good God is and how much He loves them. My goal is to help people understand what God said in His Word and encourage them to believe He is honest. I want to make this point clear—what I’m about to share with you is a spiritual attack against my assignment from God.
In July, after a CT scan of the brain, Christi and I were shocked when the doctors reported the cancer that had been treated with radiation last year had metastasized to my brain and I was now dealing with Stage IV cancer. The same day we received the diagnosis, we flew to New Orleans to attend Jesse & Cathy Duplantis’ Vision Conference. Without knowing anything, Brother Jesse gave us a word: “YOU CAN LIVE AS LONG AS YOU WANT MYLON. I don’t care what doctors say. I don’t deny what they say. You can live as long as you want. Death and life is in the power of YOUR tongue…It’s what YOU decide, as one-both of you, that WILL come to pass.” Glory to God!!
Since last month’s letter, I received ten radiation treatments on my brain. As a result of these treatments, my hair fell out and I’ve lost quite a bit of weight. I’ve been at home resting and recovering. Concerning the doctors help, there is nothing more they can do other than life-long chemo which would stop me from all travel and public preaching. I will NOT surrender to this evil onslaught to stop my heavenly call in these last days. I WILL FINISH my course with JOY and I’m not finished yet! (Acts 20:24) Christi and I are in an amazing place with God. We have no Plan B. He is our only hope and praise God, HE IS ALL WE NEED! Starting the first day of October we are preaching The Word on the road again. We have not cancelled any upcoming meetings or filming of On the Road to Freedom TV. The spirit of fear has tried to tempt us to draw back but we’re “pressing on toward the mark of the high calling.” (Hebrews 10:38-39, Philippians 3:13)
James 1:2-4 discusses the testing of our faith. As my partner, you’ve heard me teach many times that when we encounter trials, it’s only a test. In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare we have passed this test. I WILL LIVE and not die and proclaim the goodness of God in the land of the living! Psalms 34:19 explains that “many are the afflictions of the righteous” BUT GOD delivers us out of them all. I can testify that God has delivered me every time and I am delivered now!
August 30, 2022 was my receiving day. My father in faith, Kenneth Copeland, laid hands on me and rebuked the cancer. He commanded it to bow its knee to the name of Jesus and IT BOWED! (Philippians 2:10) He said to me, “Hope is in the future. And that’s a good thing but faith is now.” So I want to declare: I am healed NOW. I am well NOW. No matter how I look or sound, I live BY FAITH in the written Word of God and in The Living Word, my Lord Jesus. The only thing that is impossible for God to do is lie to His kids. Numbers 23:19 says that “God is not a man that He can lie.” He said in Matthew 8:17, Jesus “took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” That is The Truth and The Truth will change the facts.
What’s required of Christi and me right now is to practice what we preach. Each time we’ve gotten a bad report, we attacked it with The Word. I must admit I did confess the Word, but I didn’t speak the word only. (Matthew 8:8) Sometimes people would ask me how I feel and I would tell them. God forgive me! I have repented for that. The Word of Faith is speaking the things that are not as though they were. (Romans 4:17) NOT speaking the things that are as though they are not! Selah.
We are documenting this miracle. We fully expect as I am preaching to capture on film the miracle moment when I am overtaken with the blessing of abundant life! If it’s a progressive miracle then we will film that. In Psalms 91:16 God promised, “With LONG LIFE I will satisfy him and SHOW him My SALVATION.” “I turned the young age of 78 on October 6. The seventy or eighty years lifespan discussed in Psalms 90:10 is the minimum because we are promised 120 years in Genesis 6:3. As instructed in Isaiah 43:26, Christi and I have petitioned the court of heaven to extend my years as God did for Hezekiah in Isaiah 38:5. We are confident we will SEE the salvation of our God. Then, we’ll have the great joy of showing it to others!
Please know we’re doing great. We are enjoying our lives and sleeping like babies. The future is amazing and bright! We’d appreciate your agreement in prayer over the specific scriptures God has given us. (See below for a download link.) James 5:16 explains the prayers of the righteous make “tremendous power available.” We have prayed over you and your seed this month, MIRACLE WORKING POWER for what man refers to as impossible situations. We believe you receive supernatural provision for whatever you need: Healing, Finances or Relationships. We encourage you to take time each day to REJOICE that ALL things are working together for the good of those who love the Lord (that’s you and me!) and are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
ALL is WELL in the household of faith!
We love you and we are praying for you every day,
Mylon & Christi