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Partner Letters


October 4, 2024

Dear Team Mylon,

Recently, in prayer, as I was caught up in a time of worship with my Heavenly Father, I received sudden insight concerning the times we’re living in. I said aloud this phrase I now understand was directly from the throne—IT’S A TIME OF RECKONING (see link below). I didn’t even know what those words meant. It’s not a phrase that’s part of my daily vocabulary. I had to go look it up! “Time of reckoning” means the moment of truth when those who’ve avoided dealing with unpleasant situations, such as the evil onslaught in our land, are now forced to make a decision that will determine their future. (Miriam Webster/Collins Dictionary) You may be thinking, “But Christi, God is merciful and long suffering.” Yes! Praise God, He is long suffering but as I learned from my father in faith, Kenneth Copeland, at the end of time, He doesn’t have as long to suffer.

The November presidential election is the moment of truth. Please understand the future of our nation is being decided now. There are those who’ve avoided dealing with satan’s attempts to remove the United States of America from its foundation as “One Nation Under God.” Deuteronomy 30:19 is an example of a time of reckoning. God said to Israel, “Today I have given you the CHOICE between LIFE and DEATH, between BLESSINGS and CURSES. Now I call on heaven and earth to WITNESS the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” (NLT) God was giving them time to decide but a decision was being required. The choices we make right now will not only determine our nation’s future but also our children’s future. The last message Mylon preached on this earth at our home church, Eagle Mountain International Church, he passionately spoke on this subject. He said, “THIS IS NOT POLITICAL, IT’S BIBLICAL. If we don’t make right choices NOW, we’ll have NO choices later.”

The existing leadership of this land is promoting socialism in the name of equality. I encourage you to study those nations that have adopted these restrictive policies and how their citizens have suffered for it. These forms of overbearing government offer NO choices for religion/faith, healthcare, education and advancement. We live in the most blessed nation in the world because our founding fathers entered covenant with God. He will not forget that! But we must HONOR HIM. I Samuel 2:30 says, “Those who honor Me, I will honor.”

King Jesus said in Matthew 12:30 NLT, “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.” Are you with Jesus? If so, there’s no middle ground. Choosing Jesus means you back God AND His Word. That’s why as believers, we cannot claim ignorance on how to vote! If we vote for a candidate whose platform opposes God’s commands, then we are working against God. Mylon said in his last sermon, those who fight for abortion rights are fighting for the right to murder their own children. We see over and over again in God’s Word that He hates the shedding of innocent blood. (Proverbs 6:17, Psalms 106:38, Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17) Another example in Genesis 12:3, God promised those who bless Israel He will bless. So, if we’re with Jesus, we only vote for candidates who back Israel. It’s actually very simple. As Mylon said, “God makes it stupid proof!”

Are we on the Lord’s side? Joshua declared to God’s people in Joshua 24:15 NLT, “CHOOSE today whom you will serve…But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” We can no longer be silent and avoid dealing with these issues. We must take a stand against evil opposition to our God and CHOOSE JESUS. How do we choose? With our: VOTE. VOICE. PRAYERS. The kind of prayer I’m talking about is II Chronicles 7:14. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

This verse makes it clear that until we take responsibility for our choices, nothing will get better. First Peter 5:5 explains, God opposes the proud. It’s pride that refuses to admit we made a mistake. It’s pride that blames others and refuses to apologize. Take a moment to think about it: When’s the last time you asked the Lord to forgive you? When’s the last time you apologized to your family or a friend? That’s too long! I found written on a piece of paper in Mylon’s desk, “How well we humble ourselves will determine our usefulness to God.Why is that? If we refuse to humble ourselves, God sets Himself AGAINST US. What could be worse than God Almighty resisting us? BUT if we make right choices, admitting where we’ve missed the mark, that’s when we can get in on the good stuff: God GIVES multipliedGRACE and FAVOR to the humble. 1 Peter 5:5 TPT

As you sow your precious seed this month, let’s say together, “Lord, I humble myself before you and ask forgiveness for any wrong decisions I’ve made that caused me to work against You. Please forgive our nation’s choices that opposed You. I declare the United States of America is One Nation Under God and pray for a great outpouring of Your mercy, grace, favor and healing for our land.” Amen, So be it! Now,


P.S. Thank you for your faithfulness to give and to pray. We are hearing daily from those who’ve been set free watching On the Road to Freedom, attending a church service where we minister or through one of these monthly letters. Glory to God!

P.S.S. Don’t miss ALL this month, the continuation of the powerful programs filmed with Kenneth Copeland. We discuss all these issues and you’ll be so blessed to hear what The Word has to say about covenant.

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