Dear Team Mylon,
We just returned home from our very first 2024 “on location” filming for On the Road to Freedom. We galloped into our new season at historic Cold Springs Ranch in Golden, CO. It was one of our most beautiful shoots yet! (Special THANK YOU video above.) Although Kenneth Copeland was unable to join us because of a last-minute unforeseen circumstance, God showed up and proved His good plan for our future in Him. (We’ll be rescheduling our time with Brother Copeland and keep you posted.)
Please allow me to share how this shoot in Colorado came about. Before Mylon departed, he mentioned to me that he wanted us to film “snow shows” next. The last time we filmed in snow was in Banff, Alberta, Canada surrounded by the exquisite beauty of the Canadian Rockies. So, as I thought of all the places we skied through the years, I inquired of the Lord, “Where would you have me to go for snow shows—Wyoming, Utah, Colorado?” Immediately I was prompted to call a specific person who God said would help. The next morning before I had a chance to call this friend, she reached out to me and said, “Christi, I’ve been praying for you and I want to offer you my ranch home in Golden, Colorado to film in this winter.” Glory to God! You talk about God making it “stupid proof” as Mylon liked to say. Then to top it off, we got SNOW! This location only averages 3 snow days in February for the past 10 years. And out of the 29 potential days we could have arrived at our location, on our first scheduled day of filming, God gave us snow!
Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” When we need help, we don’t call Sister Susie or our BFF, we go to Jesus! Because He’s the only One who can “tell us the things which are to come.” (John 16:13) He knows the “end from the beginning” and He never intended for us to be in the dark about what’s ahead. His best for us is to be prepared!
“Hear counsel, receive instruction and accept correction that you may be wise in the time to come. Many plans are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand.” Proverbs 19:20-21 AMPC
Did you notice how we prepare for what’s ahead? We must HEAR the COUNSEL of God, RECEIVE His INSTRUCTION and yes, even ACCEPT CORRECTION. This means we can’t be hardheaded, unteachable and ‘married to our plan.’ Believe me, I get it about the importance of having a plan. Before it was popular, I’ve always had a 5-year plan along with annual goals, quarterly, and my daily ‘To Do’ list. Recently, my parents found a letter I wrote at age 9 for a school assignment about my future plan. It was hilarious how in my childlike boldness I declared I’d graduate college early, what age I’d marry, and my chosen career path. My teacher wrote at the bottom of my confident prediction, “Christi, you’ve got it all worked out!”
But after years of being frustrated by trying to talk God into my plan, I finally surrendered and said, “NOT MY WILL BUT THINE BE DONE.” We’re wasting our time trying to talk God into blessing our plan. When we get His plan it’s already blessed! No matter how much we pray, we can’t be God. He’s God and I’m just Christi. I’m on a path right now I didn’t plan for and now more than ever I have to hear God’s good plan. That’s where my future is and yours is too!
How do we get His plan? Call to Him! Jesus said in Luke 11:2, “WHEN (not “IF”) you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In heaven when God speaks, the angels get to it. There’s no negotiating in heaven. There should be no negotiating at our house either. When God speaks, our immediate response should be, “Yes Lord, I’m yours to command.” This is vital because time is short. JESUS IS COMING SOON.
I Peter 4:7 says, “Since we are approaching the end of all things, be intentional, purposeful, and self-controlled so that you can be given to prayer.” (TPT) Hearing the plan of God requires a committed prayer life. There are so many distractions. Whatever our obstacle is: whether it’s the demands of a family or job, the practice of prayer will take dedication. (And maybe turning off all our devices!) As a confession of your faith please say with me, “I make a fresh commitment to the practice of prayer. I hear counsel, receive instruction and accept correction that I may be wise in the time to come. God’s will be done at my house just as it is in heaven!”
As you sow your precious seed this month, be encouraged that God has a plan for your abundant life in Him. Expect His wisdom for your financial future. As you walk in His ways, you will experience heaven on earth in your life. In heaven, they’re not sweatin’ over anything! God’s got us covered.
We’re praying for you daily and love you dearly,
P.S. Thank you for your giving that has enabled us to offer our faith resources at no charge at This month I’d like to remind you of my FREE teaching, INSIDE INFORMATION. Available in CD format (shipping charges only) or MP3 download. Guidance for the future comes from listening to the Holy Spirit within. The more you know God’s Word, the more quickly you will know His leadingbecause the two will always agree. That’s why CONTINUING in the Word is vital!